You can find a link to Settings close to the bottom of your administration menu, which is displayed on the left side of the screen when you’re logged in and viewing the administration panel. As default, the Settings view has seven sub views. They are:
- General: Information about your site, like its name, tagline, language, timezone and date format.
- Writing: Settings for the default post category and post format, as well as settings for submitting posts via email.
- Reading: Which pages to use as home page and posts page, the number of posts to display per blog page, search engine visibility, etc.
- Discussion: Settings for comments, trackbacks and pingbacks on your site.
- Media: Specify the dimensions of the default image sizes, and whether uploads should be arranged in month- and year-based folders.
- Permalinks: Set the structure of the permalinks on your site.
- Privacy: Select which page on your site serves as its Privacy Policy. This sub view was added in WordPress 4.9.6, so you might not have it if you haven’t updated in a while (you really should, if that’s the case).
Additional sub views can be added to Settings by active themes and plugins on your site.