There are many people starting their own blogs every day. Are all of them successful? Well, the answer is no. Not everyone is successful.

It is not easy for all to draw crowd or traffic (as we say in internet terms) to their blogs. There are few things required to draw string of visitors to the blog. Obviously, without people visiting the blog, one cannot even think of a working community online. Most of the people who start blogging, want to create a community on web. Few people who want to promote their business through blogs actually indulge in this new media networking in order to promote their business.

The theme and functions of a blog impacts the kind of traffic it draws and success of the community. WordPress has made the lives of several people easy. With amazing free Plugins available on internet for WordPress, one can make his blog more and more interesting with these Plugins. These Plugins not just make the blog more interesting, they also add value and make it simple for the visitors to browse through the website. While creating a community using WordPress, one can use below mentioned Plugins to make it more useful:

This particular plugin makes it possible for the user to connect the blog with any of the social networking sites like Face book, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. This helps the user of the blog to locate the blog as and when he requires it. Speedy and easy access results in more hits on the blog.

If one has to make the blog popular and grow the community in size, he needs to ensure regular communication with the users. Comment relish shoots a thank you mail to the users the moment they leave a comment on the blog. This particular plugin makes the users feel important and wanted. It also results in soft touch of communication between the blog owner and the visitors.

This is another plugin which initiates and maintains the communication to ensure growth of the blog community. This particular plugin informs the blog owner whenever someone replies or leaves a comment. This way, the blog owner can reply back on priority and continue the conversation with the visitor. Hence, it results in more strings of comments. In long run, such things act as a catalyst for growth of the community.

By introducing contests and forums for discussion on the blog, one can increase the number of visitors. This can be done with the help of various available Plugins to be used in WordPress.

Considering that WordPress is low in price, one can state that it is one of the most cost effective ways to promote business. It is simple to understand as well. Starting a blog and a community on internet is no more a tedious job now. People can enjoy being a successful blog owner with the help of WordPress.

The End. Seriously the website is over. Copyright whatever year it is. All rights reserved and such.